We find many people talking about friendship in our day to day life.we make many friends in our life whose friendship we cherish.The one who are always there with you, whether the times are bad or good...are called friends.They never leave your side, even if the situation is worst. For them, it doesn't matter what day is it or what season. When we are sad, its our friends only who comfort us and make us smile. They give us good advice, and we can count on them to treat us nice. Friends solve our stupid problem and share good time so that joy can become double.
Friends are the only one who accepts us as we are.They are the ones who correct us when we are wrong. Friends are the ones with whom we can share our darkest secret. They acknowledge our all ideas even the worst one. Friends never expects anything in return. they stay with us throughout our life. They are the biggest support in our life. Friend is the nicest thing one can have. Friendship works without self interest. Friendship means to have trust, to share small small things and to feel the intimate love and care. Friend brings happiness in one's life. It takes more than caring, nature of friendship requires a strong bond, deep and true love. A friend is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return. Strength of friendship is in its trust for each other, sharing things and internal feelings.
Trust is the base of Friendship.In friendship, to trust means your friend has you 100%.
Learning to trust and to share are integral aspects of the development of true friendship.
rue friends always trust each other in each and every situation.
True friends share everything with each other.
In sunshine and in shade, true friends will always be together.
Lucky is a person who has a friend to share things with them.
Only a true friends can understand feelings of each other.
One can say that silence is the real conversations which friends have.This silence only reflects real bond between friends.
Friends grow separately without parting with each other.
A Friend will never let you feel alone no matter what happens.
One boned with many relations but friendship is the pure relation which one make on earth only....
Something that we learn a lot about as we grow older is the difference be fake friends and real friends.
Think about the worst time that you had in your life.Now think about the that were there with you during this time.These are the people that are your real friends.These friends will stand by us through thick and thin.Whereas fake friends will only be through our happy and our jolly good times..
A true friend is very difficult to find in this society today. Every body can say that a person is their friend, but cannnot indentify if that person is a true or a fake friend.
- Fake friends always come expect a person to come visit, call and see about them, but they don't want to give in the same effort.
- Fake friends are never there whenever one needs them the most. This means they got themselves and other objectives on their minds.This also means they don't put any type of effort to see if you are okay, or if one is down.
- By any means that they tell any secrets or personal things about you to other people!
- However, they have abused your inner-circle, which means you have let them in about who you are! Forgive them, but if they want another chance, make them work and earn your trust ! Most likely, they will do it again..
- A true friend is always there whenver you need them the most during rough times!
- A true friend always make effort call you! A true friend always tend to see if you are okay! A true friend always shows that he or she cares about you! This is what one calls true sacrifice! True friends don't abuse the word sacrifice at all.
- A true friend always want to be a blessing in their your life, which he or she is never looking to give him or her a hard time. A true friend always desire to be a true blessing, which he or she is always looking for ways to bless him or her. Too, that person is doing the same for him.
- A true friend always is excited when he or she sees you, which he or she enjoys your presence! True friends love to be a blessing to each other, not a burden to each other.
- A true friend always believes in your dreams and talents ! A true friend always get excited when something good has happened in your life! A true friend always believes in you! A true friend always wants the best to happen in your life, not the worst! They will always lift you up, not bring you down..